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A gig held at SWX on Today. The event starts at 19:00.

And lo, Planet Earth had been destroyed by the Hootsman, with an explosion so powerful it ripped a hole in the very fabric of spacetime. And yet, Zargothrax was still not defeated, for he managed to use his last shreds of power to escape through the dimensional rift. Vowing to defeat the evil sorcerer, Angus McFife XIII followed him into the portal, with no idea where it might lead…

Mighty warriors of the galaxy! GLORYHAMMER has returned from an epic quest, and they come bearing their new album, “LEGENDS FROM BEYOND THE GALACTIC TERRORVORTEX”. In this thrilling third chapter of the Gloryhammer saga, we follow the legendary prince Angus McFife into another dimension, where he will fight with more terrifying foes and embark on more epic adventures than ever before. Join his quest to save the Kingdom of Fife, through 10 tracks of nuclear-fueled high-velocity heroic power metal, the likes of which you’ve never heard in your life. FOR THE ETERNAL GLORY OF DUNDEE!

Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio

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