Moving moss at Brandon Hill

A event on Saturday 15th June. The event starts at 11:00.

We will be working on tuning into ourselves and the environment, experimenting with where our attention goes, moving as a group, and listening to ourselves and each other. The workshop will draw on the tools of contemporary dance, performance, and somatic practices (no prior experience in these fields is necessary). These workshops will be held weekly in different locations and will play the role of movement research for future site-specific performance.

Inspiration for this series comes from moss and its ability to find hospitable environment in urban landscapes. We too will seek danceable spaces in the city, repurposing its function-driven architecture for spontaneous creative acts.

Meet me at the Charlotte Street entrance to Brandon Hill anytime between 10:45 and 11:00.
You can check out my work and contact me on my personal website

Entry requirements: 16+