held at Cafe Kino
on Today. The event starts at 14:00.
Imbolc is the pre-Christian celebration of the halfway point between Yule, winter solstice in December and Ostara (easter) the dawn of Spring!
Traditionally effigies or dolls are made of Brigid, the Pagan goddess overseeing poetry, crafts and prophecy and was called upon for fertility blessings.
We shall be using this idea, but using our own intentions, colour psychology and symbology to create our personal creatures or dolls using fabrics, paints, embroidery, embellishments and essential oils to evoke what we want to focus on for the coming year for ourselves. Like the embodiment of a sigil in doll form.
We will be doing a warm up to focus on our intentions and to become comfortable and familiar with the space and the ideas we’ll be exploring. This is a session that I will guide and aid in ideas and techniques to create the final item but I want to build confidence in participants to learn new skills and engage in the workshop!
This session is run by a neurodivergent, queer, working class artist and I welcome anyone and everyone! I want to create affordable spaces for everyone to rest, play and engage in community and creativity.
All skill levels welcome!
If you have specific accessibility requirements please contact me via instagram @sadiefoxcreativewellbeing or email [email protected] and I will do my best to communicate with you how best we can facilitate this.
Facilitated by @sadbabydesign @sadiefoxcreativewellbeing
Entry requirements: 16+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio