Slim's Pickings #12 at Leftbank

A gig held at LEFTBANK on Friday 5th September. The event starts at 20:00.

Sayer n Slim & Friends

+ support from Austin"Bud" White

Entry is FREE as usual, but if you appreciate the music please give generously to the donation bucket which will be making the rounds a few times during the night!

The friends joining us will be Austin on slide guitar (he'll also be providing a solo set) & master percussionist Del.




"Ben Sayer & Henry Slim's dust-voiced blues comes complete with fingerpicking guitar and lonesome harmonica howl, with a selection of songs & styles ranging from the pre-WW2 era to the early years of electric urban blues. "




Austin will get us started with an eclectic solo set featuring some of his favourite old songs from the country, folk & blues canon. Expect an array of different guitars & maybe even some banjo!

Entry requirements: