Painting Bristol - This Is Not Legal Advice at PRSC
See event details

A event held at PRSC on Saturday 10th April. The event starts at 14:00.

A look at the complexities of the law and culture of painting in Bristol, from the perspective of an activist and street artist with years of experience of painting and attempting to work with the authorities.

We will finish with a brief discussion of the possibility of creating a legal walls network off our own backs, and how this could work, looking at examples from other UK cities.

TICKETS: The suggested donation of £4 will help us keep the School of Activism as accessible & low-cost as possible, £8 will subsidise a ticket for someone else - but no-one turned away through lack of funds!

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The School of Activism 2.0 is a two week programme of workshops, talks and activities brought to you by Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft over the Easter holidays. The workshops are intended to be empowering experiences equipping people with the tools to challenge the status quo, contest power structures and ultimately to change the world.

We learn by doing. We make our own future.

Entry requirements: