Adblocking Bristol Airport’s Greenwash at PRSC
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A event held at PRSC on Thursday 28th April. The event starts at 18:30.

In 2020, Amsterdam became the first city in the world to ban advertising for flights, cars and fossil fuels on its transport network ad spaces. Can we make Bristol do the same?

Bristol City Council has targets to become carbon neutral by 2030. At the same time, it is providing advertising space for high carbon companies such as airports and airlines, who directly encourage us to increase our emissions. Companies such as EasyJet are also using these spaces to greenwash their image making speculative promises about ‘Zero Emission’ travel far into the future to justify selling more tickets today.

In February 2022, Bristol Airport was granted permission to expand to 12 million passengers per year after appealing against North Somerset Council’s rejection of their planning application. The expansion plans would result in 12 million passengers per year, 10,000 car movements per day and one million tonnes of CO2 being emitted annually.

Join Adblock Bristol, Bristol Rising Tide and friends as we combine the creative arts pratice of ‘subvertising’, ‘culture jamming’ and ad-hacking with grassroots campaigning to remove big polluter advertising from our city.

Tickets are free, but any donations will help us keep the School of Activism as accessible & low-cost as possible.

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The School of Activism 3.0 is a month long programme of workshops, talks and activities brought to you by Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft. Running at PRSC during April 2022, the events are intended to be empowering experiences equipping people with the tools to challenge the status quo, contest power structures and ultimately to change the world.

We learn by doing. We make our own future.

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