Theory of Change at PRSC
See event details

A event held at PRSC on Tuesday 19th April. The event starts at 18:30.

Everyone wants to make change, whether it is to reduce loneliness, end racism, save the planet, get the landlord to do essential repairs, or simply get a crossing installed on a busy street. Yet too often we put action before strategy. We use familiar tactics: starting a petition, writing to an MP, lobbying, striking or marching, without first analysing why the problem came into existence, why those with the power to change it choose not to, and how we can make those with power say 'yes' when they would rather say 'no.' Whether you are writing a funding bid for a charity, organising a trade union, rebelling against oppression, or planning to save the planet, you need a theory of change: what is it that we need to do to effect the change we want to see?

Tickets are free! Any donations will help PRSC keep the School of Activism as accessible & low-cost as possible.

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The School of Activism 3.0 is a month long programme of workshops, talks and activities brought to you by Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft. Running at PRSC during April 2022, the events are intended to be empowering experiences equipping people with the tools to challenge the status quo, contest power structures and ultimately to change the world.

We learn by doing. We make our own future.

Entry requirements: