The Fall of Colston at PRSC
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"Where were you when the statue went down? PRSC’s School of Activism hosts an in-depth examination of one of the defining moments in recent memory. Includes Q&A with members of Countering Colston and Bristol Radical History Group."

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A event held at PRSC on Wednesday 13th April. The event starts at 19:00.

The fall of the Colston statue on 7th June 2020 can be seen as the culmination of 100yrs of campaigning against his city centre presence, which had intensified in the last decade, and intersected on that famous day. Whilst many individuals & institutions suddenly rushed to disown him, and the impact of the toppling rippled much further away than just in Bristol, that wasn't the end of it! Tory ministers, right-wing media, Labour politicians, the CPS and the police launched a campaign of persecution - and those persecuted needed solidarity and support.

Speakers from Countering Colston, Bristol Radical History Group and legal support reflect on the campaigns that resulted in the fall of Colston, and the acquittal of the defendants. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Tickets are free! Any donations will help PRSC keep the School of Activism as accessible & low-cost as possible.

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The School of Activism 3.0 is a month long programme of workshops, talks and activities brought to you by Peoples Republic of Stokes Croft. Running at PRSC during April 2022, the events are intended to be empowering experiences equipping people with the tools to challenge the status quo, contest power structures and ultimately to change the world.

We learn by doing. We make our own future.

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