on Tuesday 7th June. The event starts at 19:00.
Time to Declare is a series of free talks for cricket and sport lovers. This series will unravel the climate crisis, explain how it impacts cricket and propose solutions.
It is time we act swiftly, with courage both on and off the field.
Tue 7th June - Fragile Earth - by Rosella Icari & Doug Hart
facts & solutions to our changing climate
Booking link https://hdfst.uk/E73957
Book other talks in the series below:
Wed 13th July - Hit for 6 Report - by Russell Seymour
the impact of climate change on cricket
Booking link : https://hdfst.uk/E73958
Wed 7th Sept - Cricket History & Legacy - by Roger Griffith MBE
the long shadow of cricket history
Booking Link: https://hdfst.uk/E73959