£2 Donation

A gig held at SouthBank on Thursday 24th September. The event starts at 20:00.

Live Thursdays Presents: Cafe la Dada

Hosted by Jesse Perrett, poet extraordinaire, Bath's most anarchic open mic night has moved home from a damp basement in Twerton, to Bristol's Southbank Club.

Featuring, music, poetry and other spoken-word loveliness including:

This month's headliner, the fabulous THOMMIE GILLOW!!

Her poetry has been surprising and delighting audiences for a flippin' long time at events in Frome, Bath, Bristol and Glastonbury to name but a few. Expect poems about God and shoes and/or some other things


Plus support from the colourful Patrick Sharkey, whose poetry has been described as being'like being hugged by a fresh loaf of bread' - Tawno Rodman.

Closing the night we have Bath-based anti-folk group MEAT MARKET. With lots of lovely songs about animals and their love of animals and pretty things they're sure to sooth our souls until we're ready for home.

For a performance spot please email Jesse on jesse.alpha@http://www.hotmail.co.uk

Poetry, Storytellers and all spoken word artists are welcome to perform at this event!

Suggested £2 Donation to help support the night

Time: 20:30


Banner design courtesy of Inkworld Illustration aka Tawno. Tanks mate.

Entry requirements: