Genocide in Gaza: The Importance of Being Anti-Zionist at Bristol
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"A crash course in modern Zionism and how to oppose this imperialist ideology at home during the ongoing genocide of the Gazan people. With Middle East political commentator Richard Medhurst and celebrated author and broadcaster Lauren Booth."

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A event on Saturday 15th June. The event starts at 13:00.

With internationally renowned speakers; Lauren Booth, Richard Medhurst & David Miller (tbc), we will explore the racist, genocidal ideology that is zionism. We will understand the importance of being anti-zionist in the face of the genocidal campaign in Gaza. And we will learn how we can actively and collectively make an impact when calling for an end to the genocide, an end to the injustice and an end to barbaric occupation of the Palestinian people.

Entry requirements: 14+