Workshop: Brewing at the Brew at Strange Brew
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A event held at Strange Brew on Saturday 13th November. The event starts at 15:00.

3pm - 5.30pm

In this workshop you will learn how to contact print and hand process 16 mm film in an ecological developer known as 'caffenol'. Capture the shapes and traces of Strangebrew in dramatic moving black and white. See the results projected one hour later, and then again during the evening.

Participants will:
– make 16mm film contact prints
– brew eco-friendly developer
– load Lomo developer tank and process their films

Beginners welcome. All materials provided. Price includes ticket for The Brunswick Club's evening event at Strange Brew.

Workshop leader Vicky Smith has completed a short film Not (a) part that was made through the contact printing method. 
It is included on Grainy Realism, the compilation of her work released on TBC Editions in 2019.

Vicky is an artist film maker and academic who has worked in experimental animation and 16mm film for 30 years and has screened work internationally in galleries and at festivals.

This workshop is supported through the West of England Visual Arts Alliance:
Venue Covid safety measures will be in place:

Entry requirements: