Voices Of Georgian House Adinkra Symbology Tour at The Georgian House
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A event on Sunday 26th November. The event starts at 12:00.

Join Aaron Ayiih and Afrikan As Future for a tour of their installation in Voices of Georgian House.

Inspired by the culture of some of the African people who may have been enslaved by the Pinney family on the Caribbean Island of Nevis, the tour includes an exploration of the Twi language and Adinkra symbols from the Akan ethnic group of Ghana.

More information about Voices Of Georgian House installation can be found here: https://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/georgian-house-museum/whats-on/voices-of-georgian-house/#:~:text=Working%20with%20Bristol%20creatives%2C%20Georgian,of%20those%20that%20were%20enslaved.

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