Dirt Rich at The Pickle Factory
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A event on Thursday 29th February. The event starts at 19:30.

Come on a journey through a multiplicity of carbon drawdown strategies: regenerative agricultural practices; reforestation of abandoned land; protection and the restoration of carbon rich wetlands.

Thursday the 29th of February
The Pickle Factory, All Hallows Rd, Easton.
6:30-7:30pm: Delicious Vegetable Soup and Sourdough Bread.
7:30-9:30: Film screening and discussion.

Join us at the Pickle Factory for an evening of soil related wonder. We will be screening the award winning film Dirt Rich, which features a number of exciting regenerative projects focused on the power of soil.

We will be serving a hearty soup with sourdough beforehand, as we love any excuse to eat together and want to have a chance to meet as many of you soil-lovers as possible. We will also have time for a brief discussion after the film, and if there’s still energy and a desire to keep sharing knowledge, there are plenty of pubs close by.

Look forward to seeing some of you there.

Film: http://www.dirtrichthemovie.com/

“Dirt Rich takes the viewer on a journey through a multiplicity of carbon draw down strategies that focus on natural solutions that simultaneously address the revitalization of soil and stabilization of atmospheric carbon levels. Currently the planets soils are desperately depleted as the microbial life within them has been greatly destroyed. Scientists are predicting that on the current trajectory there is only enough good soil to support 64 more harvests. This film couldn't be more timely. Through regenerative agricultural practices, reforestation of abandoned land, protection and the restoration of carbon rich wetlands, Dirt Rich educates and inspires viewers to contemplate how our choices matter, and how everything on this planet connects.”

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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