Procreate at Alma Tavern and Theatre

A event on Friday 6th September. The event starts at 20:00.

Procreate is a show about making art and making life (no big deal)

“Remember - your life is over when you become a parent. You’ll never achieve your artistic dreams or have fun again. Especially if you’re a mum. Xoxo” (said some intrusive thoughts... and society)

Procreate pokes fun at the motherhood penalty, pesky prescriptive gender roles and expectations that pile on the pressure when you bang out a kid.

Full of clowning, eggs, a sprinkle of audience interaction, practicing my strict telling off voice with voiceover, mid-late 90s cultural references, entertaining the wee ones with puppetry and juggling, Bethan births a surreal, and silly show about contemplating procreating.

This is a show for 90s babies, people who are thinking about having children, for people who don’t want kids, mothers or anyone who is a former baby.

This is the debut solo show from Bethan Screen... and probably the last one because tbh, combining parenthood and performing sounds too hard :(

Praise for Procreate

"A perfect creative show - we left feeling enlightened, entertained and educated." - Young Londoner

**** "A mix of theatre, clowning and puppetry that will bring joy, its imagination is charming." - Voice Mag

Entry requirements: 16+

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