SOLDOUT / The People's Comedy at PRSC
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A event held at PRSC on Friday 6th September. The event starts at 19:30.

Winner - Best Comedy Format in Britain for Midlands and West (Chortle, 2024)
Winner - Best Themed Comedy Night in the UK outside of London (Chortle, 2023)

This night showcases:
Nerine Skinner ✅ (Britain's Got Talent Semi-Finalist; Runner up Funny Women '23)
Brendan Common ✅ (Shortlisted for BBC New Act. Finalist for The Welsh Unsigned Stand-up Award. Semi-finalist for So You Think You're Funny)
Iby Sesay ✅ (2024 Max Turner runner-up)
Samira Banks ✅ (WINNER: 2023 So You Think You're Funny?)
Tory Orchard ✅ (Winner of the Bristol Comedy Chest competition)
Hamish Shepherd ✅ (WINNER: Comedy Store’s King Gong, The Blackout at Up the Creek, and The Ding Dong Gong Show at Big Belly Comedy Club)

MC'd by Serena Smart ✅'s no.1 funniest female comic of 2023

Please note that Luke & Ben can no longer make it, & so we have the superb Brendan and Troy instead.

The People's Comedy formed in 2018 with the aim of platforming comedians with a message (think counter-culture, alternative, original) and ensuring that they're paid for their craft.

✔ Raised tens of thousands of pounds for comedians paid in-line with our equal pay structure

Please note: the more we make through tickets, the more we can pay acts! But please only give as much as you can comfortably.

There is a bar which opens the same time as doors, from 7pm.
The show starts at 7:30pm sharp, so please arrive in time before then. And we really mean 7:30 start now!
More information about us at:

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

Tickets for similar Bristol events.

The People's Comedy at Bristol Community Festival at PRSC
comedy stand-up comedy festival