What's On / Wednesday 6th May 2020

What's On Wednesday 6th May in Bristol

— Wednesday 6th May 2020

A complete list of live music and nightlife for Wednesday 6th May.

Events on Wednesday 6th May

“As MDMA and psilocybin edge closer towards being approved as medicines, we are seeing a split emerge in the psychedelic community, with some people favouring medical approval and others becoming increasingly fearful of pharmaceutical companies moving into the psychedelic space. Dr Sessa will discuss this issue in the context of 15 years of carrying out psychedelic research.”
From: Medicalising Psychedelics: What is the future?

“A significant preface to the Verra Cruz story took place in June 2002 when Marc and Jimmy chanced upon an original 1920’s lapsteel guitar in a small boutique guitar shop in Memphis. The lapsteel had been found in the back of a Tennessee church and was to become a significant part of the Verra Cruz sound over the next few years.”
From: SongSmith Xtra @The Thunderbolt

For all 3 events on Wednesday 6th see the listings below.

Medicalising Psychedelics: What is the future? at Virtual Link
— Virtual Link
spoken word talks workshops & classes food & drink
SongSmith Xtra @The Thunderbolt at The Thunderbolt
— The Thunderbolt
pop rock alternative rock indie rock punk singer-songwriter